I’m so excited to welcome you to my new website. In the past few years I had to leave my full time job due to chronic health issues. During the pandemic I was able to really zone in and focus on my health and am finally at a place where I can focus on the things that I am passionate about.
My biggest passion my entire life has been telling a story. I dreamed of not only sharing my stories but also the stories of those around me. I have had some fascinating life experiences that have placed me in the path of some incredible people, each with a story to be told.
So after putting a lot of thought into it, I decided it is now time. It’s time for me to share the projects I have been working on. I have a collection of coming of age poems that span from my early teenage years into my twenties. So be on the lookout for that soon!
I am also currently writing my first novel. I can’t wait to start sharing more about that with you soon. So while you are here, make sure to sign up for my newsletter.
Thanks so much for joining me on this adventure!